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Retours d'expériences européen



The  Bollaertbeek  feeds  the  drinking  water  supply  for  the  city  of  Ieper  but  has  too  high  loads  of pesticides during spring and summer to be used for drinking water production. In the WATERPROTECT project, farmers, drinking water company, environmental administration and farmers' advisory centre are brought together in a multi-actor approach to discuss the problem, develop a targeted monitoring approach,  select  suitable  best  management  practices  and  mitigation  measures  and  get  these implemented  in  the  catchment  developing  new  water  governance approaches.  A  software  tool  is developed to visualize the concentrations and risk zones in the area and help in making decisions on new measures.

Success story editor: 
VITO, Inagro
Documents (files): 
Contact us - we can add your case studies on catchment management :