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Zones de protection des captages en Espagne


Referring to Spain, the report «Protection of the whole catchments providing drinking water - Study of practices in Europe, Siauve S., Amorsi N » gives the definitions and the names of Drinking Water Protected Areas In spain.


  • Zone of absolute restrictions (Zona de restricciones absolutas) or immediate zone (Zona immediata): this delimitation corresponds to a 1-day transfer time. This zone focuses on each extraction point. The diameter of protective circle corresponds to the distance that could enable a polluting particle to reach a groundwater body in one day. This zone represents an area of 100 à 400 m².
  • Zone II : zone of maximum restrictions (Zona de restricciones máximas) or proximal zone (Zona próxima) : this delimitation corresponds to a 60-day transfer time. This zone enables the protection against microbiological contamination.
  • Zone III de restrictions modérées zone of moderate restrictions (Zona de restricciones moderadas) or remote zone (Zona alejada) : this delimitation corresponds to a 4-year transfer time (and until 10 years according to the type of field : karstic,  fractured, etc.). This zone enables the protection against long persistence contamination.

A diagram of these different zones of protection of abstractions is available here on page 46.

 It should be noted that some additional zones can be defined concerning the management of water quantities or risk of saltwater intrusion.  

 Last, some back-up areas (Zonas de Salvaguarda) ensure the protection of the whole water bodies and enable to fight against non-point source pollution.

 These definitions are available in spanish in the documents mentioned bellow:

Las Aguas Subterraneas. Un recurso natural des subsuelo :

Last, a guide to establish the perimeters of protection in Spain is available on line:  http://info.igme.es/SidPDF%5C067000%5C377%5C67377_0001.pdf